Gum Treatment Hervey Bay

Experts say that gum disease, rather than tooth decay, is the biggest factor in tooth loss.

Poor diet and dental hygiene, smoking, certain medicines and diseases (diabetes), and stress are all risk factors for gum disease.

Are there Different Types of Gum Disease?

Yes, Gum diseases may be classified into three types:

  • 1. Gingivitis, the most common type, is characterized by bleeding, reddening and swelling of the gums. Bleeding when brushing one tooth is the most noticeable sign of gingivitis. Unless treated in its early stages, gingivitis may progress into more serious conditions. Proper brushing and flossing of the teeth are usually enough to reduce the gum’s redness and swelling.
  • 2. Periodontists are the advanced stage of gingivitis. Here, the inflammation of the gums has already spread to the bone which supports the teeth. If left untreated, periodontitis will cause the teeth to fall out.
  • 3. Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG) is a rare type of gum disease associated with severe malnutrition and weakened immune system. Ulcers form on the gums as a result of bacterial infection. Gum tissues then become weak and disintegrate, causing the teeth to fall out.

How is Gum Disease Treated?
Gum disease may be treated using the following:

  • 1. Scaling. Our dentist or hygienist cleans the teeth thoroughly using scalers and an electric toothbrush. Periodontists may require more extensive scaling to get rid of plaque and tartar.
  • 2. Gum surgery. In cases where the periodontal sockets are too deep for our dentist or hygienist to clean, gum surgery is required. This is performed by a gum disease expert called a periodontist. The deep pockets are cleaned thoroughly and the flap of the gum closed with sutures.

What to Do If You Think You Have Gum Disease

If you think you may have gum problems or have not visited a dentist for a while, then please book an appointment to see one of our dentists. We realize many people do not visit the dentist regularly because of fears or phobias which is why we take a very gentle and caring approach to all our patients. Your initial appointment will enable us to fully examine your gums so we can make a proper diagnosis. If necessary we can provide you with a treatment plan to treat any signs of disease and we will spend some time with you explaining all these options.

How Can I Avoid Gum Disease?

If you have active gum disease then we might need to see you more frequently to help get this condition under control. Afterwards, you will need to be vigilant about daily oral health and regular dental examinations. Gum disease is a serious issue but once you have good dental health it is quite easy to keep your gums free from disease. This is why we focus so much on preventative dentistry at Lakeside Dental Spa. We can work with you to treat any signs of gum disease and to help you maintain good gum health in between dental appointments.

You can contact us on (07) 4191 4787 or visit us at 180 Main St, Kawungan QLD 4655.